Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales de Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 2215-6704 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6704


About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Digital Journal of Criminal Sciences of Costa Rica aims to contribute to the development of Criminal Sciences in Costa Rica and Latin America. It should be noted that the Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales de Costa Rica also represents the unification of the Revista de Ciencias Penales, of the homonymous association of Costa Rica, with the Revista Digital de la Maestría en Ciencias Penales of this university. Thus, the enormous legacy of the publication specialized in criminal sciences with the longest trajectory in Costa Rica, founded and directed by Professor González Álvarez for several decades, has been gathered. That is why this and subsequent issues will always be designated with a triple numbering: the Digital Journal of Criminal Sciences, the Journal of the Association of Criminal Sciences and the Digital Journal of the Master's Degree in Criminal Sciences.

Journal of the Former Association of Criminal Sciences of Costa Rica: repository

As the Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales de Costa Rica is a continuation of the Revista de la Asociación de Ciencias Penales de Costa Rica, in the following link you will find available all the digitized issues of the Antigua Revista de la Asociación de Ciencias Penales de Costa Rica.

Peer review process

All papers submitted for review to be published in the Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales, must be submitted through the electronic journal, for which the authors must first register, once the registration is done, they must proceed to the incorporation of the article through the submission system.

Papers must be original, unpublished and may not be submitted in whole or in part to another journal. All publications will be disclosed electronically, based on the rules of disclosure and transfer of rights by the authors. The Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales does not charge authors for any concept.

The peer review system is as follows:

  • Articles received are reviewed by the editor, if they meet the requirements they are sent to an external peer expert in the subject matter (referee) to which the article refers (single blind system).
  • The referees will be external to the Editorial Board, may be national or foreign and will be appointed by the Academic Direction and the editor of the journal. They will have one month to render their opinion.
  • The opinion of the referees will evaluate the quality of the arguments, the methodology of the research, as well as its conclusions and the impact and contribution they imply for the state of knowledge and legal praxis.
  • Once the opinion has been rendered by the peers, it will be submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal.
  • The decision of the Editorial Board will be communicated to the author, and in case it is necessary to make any modification or correction, the author will be granted a period of 5 days to do so.

Frequency of publication

The Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales has presented a new annual issue, publishing articles in October and November. Therefore, articles are received until August 1st of the current year.

Open Access Policy

Following the policies of the University of Costa Rica and the Vice Rector's Office for Research, as well as the Budapest Initiative for Open Access, the Digital Journal of Criminal Sciences provides completely free access to its contents, considering that open access is an indispensable principle for "a scientific culture that promotes the dissemination, disclosure and recognition of science, technology and innovation, as a social and cultural heritage" (article 11.l of the University of Costa Rica Research Regulations).

In accordance with the above, any user is allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or use the contents of the Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales for any legal purpose, without any financial, legal or technical barrier. Likewise, the reproduction and distribution of its content is authorized, with the only limitation of citing the original source.

Digital preservation policy

Revista Digital de Ciencias Penales has the PKP PLN Preservation Network, which corresponds to the preservation network model distributed by a private network of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) that guarantees the journal a permanent and secure archive. LOCKSS is an open source program developed by the Stanford University Library. This PKP PLN tool is provided by OJS for any of its journals.

Likewise, the articles are preserved by the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica, which is the publisher of this journal.


Interoperability Protocol

The journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows its contents to be harvested by other distribution systems.

Protocol: OAI-PMH Version 2.0.

You can consult it at the following link: 

History of the journal

The journal was born in 2009 under the direction of Professor Dr. Javier Llobet in the context of the Master of Criminal Sciences of the University of Costa Rica. It was an annual publication in which, since its inception, it was intended to open a space for critical reflection in relation to criminal sciences in general and criminal law in particular. Currently, the Academic Direction is carried out by Dr. Gustavo Chan Mora. In the year 2021, the Journal will change its name to its current name.