Actualidades en Psicología ISSN Impreso: 0258-6444 ISSN electrónico: 2215-3535

A Bayesian Network Perspective on an Attributional Model of Reactions Toward People with HIV




Social Stigma
Social psychology
Stigma Social
Psicologia Social

How to Cite

Brandelli Costa, A., Vilanova, F., Martins de Azevedo, F., & Steins, G. (2023). A Bayesian Network Perspective on an Attributional Model of Reactions Toward People with HIV. Actualidades En Psicología, 37(134), 117–133.


Objective. Attributional theory has been widely studied to understand the overall perceptions regarding people suffering from negative events such as an HIV infection. The aim of the present study is to test the overall attribution model and its influence on the willingness to help, considering emotional reactions related to an HIV-infected individual. Method. We used a Bayesian network to analyze the association between attributions of causality (blame, responsibility, and control), willingness to help, and emotional reactions (anger and sympathy) toward an HIV-infected patient. Three hundred and fifty-eight individuals participated in the study. Results. Using the overall model, we found two different results: Anger contributed to the cognitive processes of attribution, and sympathy contributed to the behavioral willingness to help the patient.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Angelo Brandelli Costa, Felipe Vilanova, Fernando Martins de Azevedo, Gisela Steins


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