Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The article has not been published yet; it is original, and it has not been sent to any other journal.
- The article format is Microsoft Word (*.doc, .docx) or OpenOffice Writer (.odt).
- Font letter is “Times New Roman”, size 12 or 14. It is double spaced. Tabulation: Upper 3 cm (1 inch); lower 4 cm (1,5 inches); left 4 cm (1,5 inch) and right 3 cm (1 inch).
The maximum length includes tables, diagrams, references and appendixes. Empirical work, articles and theoretical discussions 8000 words maximum, double spaced. Bibliographic reviews 2500 words maximum, double spaced.
- The article follows instructions on Author Guidelines (document that you can find in the section About in this Website).
- If the manuscript is submitted to a section of the journal that is peer-reviewed, you must submit an anonymous version of your work.
Foot notes are infrequent.
Title has a 14 word length or less. From 3 to 5 keywords. It has an abstract in the original language of 120 words maximum length, also an abstract in English of 120 words maximum length.
- Language used in the text is inclusive in terms of gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, sexual orientation and other socio-demographic relevant characteristics.
Where applicable, each of the next aspects is considered in the method section: participants, instruments, procedures and analysis strategies.
Where applicable, sociodemographic characteristics of the participants are clearly and correctly described. This is important because Actualidades en Psicología has international readers. Also, the procedures used to protect the participants and the way of obtaining the informed consent must be clearly described, stating the approval by Committee of Ethics.
Where applicable, measuring, data registration and construction instruments or techniques are clearly described, including the psychometric properties of validation and reliability.
Where applicable, analysis procedures are clearly defined.
Tables and figures follow the guidelines found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition), and are placed correctly in the text.
- All authors of the article have indicated their ORCID when registering with the journal
- As regards quantitative analysis, evidence including, but not limited to, confidence intervals and/or effect size should be included with the usual submission of the level of statistical significance.
- The use of the italics is avoided as much as possible except for statistical symbols: these must always be in italics.
- Text does not contain subtitles in bold format.
- The abstract is clearly structured: objective, method, and results.
- Three complementary files (to be attached on step 4 of this submission) are attached, including: 1. A file indicating the name and surname of the person or people in charge of the authorship of the manuscript as used in bibliographic references; their institutional affiliation; and a description of each author's contribution to the research leading to the corresponding article. 2. The second file should contain an authenticity of the authorship and originality of the manuscript, a specification that the manuscript has not been sent in parallel to another journal and a statement of concession of copyright. In addition, it should state the sponsorship under which the research was carried out, and a clarification in case the results of the research have been previously presented at academic events. 3. The last file should include suggestions of two possible names of evaluators, their institutional affiliations, research interests, and e-mail addresses.
- References format are written according to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Every reference is cited inside the text and vice versa. Please follow the next recommendations: (a) At the end, each article will contain an alphabetical list in accordance with the international standards of the APA Manual. This allows readers to locate the source of information quickly and in a timely manner. Possible correct ways to cite include: - Citing a work by author: When the author's last name is part of the text, only the publication year is included between parentheses: "Theoretical approaches such as development ecology Bronfrenbrenner (1987) ..." If neither the last name nor publication date are part of the text, both elements are included between the parentheses, separated by a comma: "... its complexity on the way to understanding its meaning, inside and outside the educational act (Edel, 2003)..." When date and last name are part of the sentence, no parentheses are necessary: “As Hedges explained in 2009...” -Works with multiple authors: When a work has two authors, both must be cited every time the reference occurs in the text: “Thus, prejudice becomes evident when there is a perception of ‘role incongruity’”... (Eagly & Dickman, 2005). When a work has three or more authors, include the first author's last name, followed by “et al.” and the year of publication: “Would you be willing to buy a car from a Turk?” is a question often asked in German surveys; and individual prejudice predicts the results far better than any other variable (Wagner, et al., 2006)”... If there are two or more works by different authors in the same reference, last names and publication years are written separated by a semicolon within the same parentheses. “Two personality syndromes have been uncovered that are especially prone to intergroup prejudice in countries all over the world. The first is authoritarianism (Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson & Sanford, 1950; Altemeyer, 1988, 1998)”... DOI (Digital Object Identifier) must be indicated in all references that have it. (b) The final bibliographic list will be named 'references'. APA-styled reference lists maintain an exact relationship with the citations appearing in the manuscript's text. Include only those resources actually cited in order to do the research and writing job. The list is sorted alphabetically by the author's last name, and the first letter of his or her given names are included; the list is double-spaced. The name of the publication, whether the title is that of a journal or a book, should be italicized as appropriate. In the case of journals, the italics range from the title of the journal to its issue number. (c) Other general elements to consider: Periodical publications (journals): Author, A. A. (year). Title of article. Title of the journal, vol.(number), pages. doi Non-periodical publications (books): Author, A. A. (year). Title of the work. Place of publication (city, country): Publishing house.
- Authors own the copyright for submission of the article for publication in the journal, in digital format, under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 4.0 International license.
- The article follows the structure proposed in the documents that are attached to the Authors guidelines to elaborate quantitative, qualitative, and mixed articles, state-of-the-art, and meta-analysis, meta-analysis.
- In empirical research (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed), the structure of the article must be: introduction, method (type of study or design, participants [it includes ethical aspects], collection instruments or techniques, collection procedure, analysis procedure), results, discussion and references.
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