Author Guidelines
- Original and unpublished research having scientific or technical merit, in the opinion of the Editorial Board.
- Articles.
- Technical notes which are advances or parallel results of ongoing research.
- Analysis and comments on relevant issues, generally requested to prestigious specialists.
- Exhaustive literature reviews on a specific topic.
- Book reviews.
Manuscripts published in Revista Agronomía Costarricense are the result of a rigorous selection which includes the Editorial Board in first instance and the arbitration carried out by national and international specialists, through a double-blind peer review system. The estimated review time is 4 weeks.
Once the Editorial Board previously evaluates the scientific or technical merit of the works, they will be sent with the evaluation instrument to national and international specialists. The opinion can issue the following criteria.
- The document is accepted without reservation.
- Accepted only if observations are included.
- Not fully accepted for publication.
In case of controversy between the evaluations carried out for the same document, it is submitted to another review of new specialists whose assessment guides the final result to publish or not.
If the document is accepted, it is included in one of the following categories:
- Article.
- Technical note.
- Others: analysis and comments, literature review, book reviews.
The editor, together with those who make up the Editorial Board of the Revista Agronomía Costarricense, determines whether the documentation submitted for a possible publication is accepted or rejected.
Articles can be written in Spanish or English. They must adjust to standards established for the structure of the manuscript. It is recommended for English manuscripts to be reviewed and corrected in advance by a specialist whose native language is English (the material received will not be returned to the authors).
- Research papers should not exceed 20 pages and technical notes should not exceed 6 pages.
- Agronomia Costarricense Journal does not charge for receiving or publishing manuscripts.
- Manuscripts must be written in an updated version of Word for Windows with double spacing and font type arial size 12.
- The International System Units must be used.
- Manuscript can be submitted by e-mail.
- Tables should be presented in Word and figures in Excel, in ascending order by numbers and letters as appropriate. Tables and figures should be presented on separate pages printed in good quality. Other figures and photographs must be submitted in eps, jpg or tiff format with a minimum of 240-300 dpi.
Revista Agronomia Costarricense does not charge for receiving or publishing manuscripts.
Manuscripts can be sent to:
Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas
San José, Costa Rica.
Telephone 2511 2080
Title. It should be clear enough so that it guides the reader about the content of the research and should not exceed 15 words.
Author. Write the full name, with both last names separated by a hyphen as shown below: Serrano-Velázquez. It applies to co-authors as well. Write at the bottom of the page, using asterisks, the address at the time of conducting the research and the institutional email of the contact person.
The document presented will be evaluated within the modality of research article, technical note, literature reviews on a specific topic, book reviews, updates or analysis and comments on specific agricultural activities. However, the final decision on the modality for publication of the manuscript will be based on the criteria of the reviewers and recommendations of the members of the Editorial Board and the International Advisory Editorial Board.
ORCID Code. It serves to identify the author with a unique code that will differentiate him or her from any other person who publishes. This code is required to affiliate both the researcher and the publications he or she makes. The author must register the full name, email and password at the following link:
The link indicated above will automatically generate the ORCID code of the person who publishes. If a publication involves several authors, the ORCID must appear for each of the participants in the publication and not only for the person indicated as a contact for correspondence. The code must appear at the bottom of the page for each of the people participating in the publication.
Structured summary. The summary must be one paragraph in length detailing the objective of the work, the procedure, the main results and the conclusions should be indicated, in a maximum of 300 words. The terms "Introduction, Objective, Materials and methods, Results and Conclusions" should be highlighted in bold to differentiate those contents within the summary. Include data in expressions like "higher or lower than, greater of less than".
Abstract. It must be accurate to the summary in Spanish and must include the title in English.
Keywords. Include 5-7 keywords which allow the user to easily locate the document.
Introduction. It should include the justification of the research, the most relevant background of the subject at the moment and the concrete objective of the article.
Materials and methods. It refers to all materials and methods required for the development of the research with a detailed description in order to achieve the specific results. If the author requires a specialized program, author must present a description and convenience of its use in order to achieve the results.
Results and discussion (may be presented together or separately). Its content is based on the results obtained from the planned objective of the research. Regardless of their complexity, they need to be exposed clearly and simply. The results can be numbers, categories or groupings of objects or subjects of study. The presentation of the results must be characterized by the accuracy and legitimacy of the facts and figures recorded, so that results are not based only on qualifications such as: much, little, more, less, or enough, because it could lead to an inaccurate interpretation which weakens the investigation.
Acknowledgements. This section should only include people who have made a very significant contribution to the work.
Literature cited. Authors must write the references according to the manual "Writing bibliographical references: technical standards for agro-food sciences of IICA-CATIE". Available at
Saborío, A; Sánchez, J. 2014. Evaluación de la condición corporal en un hato de vacas Jersey en pastoreo en la zona alta de Cartago. Variaciones durante el ciclo productivo. Agronomía Costarricense 38(1):55-65.
Garita, RA. 2014. La piña. Cartago, Costa Rica, Editorial Tecnológica de Costa Rica. 568 p.
Book chapter
Molina, E; Alvarado, A. 2012. Manejo de la acidez y encalado de suelo. In Alvarado, A; Raigosa, J (eds.). Nutrición y fertilización forestal en regiones tropicales. San José, Costa Rica, ACCS. p. 159-177.
Reyes, D. 2012. Compuestos GRAS para el control de patógenosposcosecha in vitro en mango (Mangifera indica L.), piña (Ananas comosus L.) y papaya (Carica papaya L.), y pruebas de eficacia in vivo en piña. Tesis Lic. San José, Costa Rica, Universidad de Costa Rica. 92 p.
Internet Reference
Author, year. Title (on line). City, country, date consulted and electronic address. Type of publication should be verified, as appropriate, for book, magazine, etc., in order to write the reference.
Copyright Notice
The author (s) must authorize Revista Agronomia Costarricense Journal the right of its publication which will be registered with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International. Author (s) may include their publication in an institutional repository clarifying that the publication was done in the Agronomía Costarricense Journal.
Once the volume of the respective period has been published, the digital version can be accessed, which allows managing a self-archive of the document or documents of interest, in the site selected by the author.
Otherwise, the main author must attest in writing, that the presented information is original and unpublished by any other media. Also, must have the authorization of the institution where the investigation was conducted.