The nutritional value of african star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis)-based pastures was analyzed in 4 commercial dairy farms in the Monteverde region (latitude 10°20’, longitude 84°50’, 800 to 1200 masl), every other month during a 2-year period. Sampling was carried out in the paddock ready to be grazed and samples were hand-plucked leaving a 10 cm stubble height, simulating the consumption made by lactating cows. Average nutritional value for the 2 years was 23.57% DM, 20.27% CP, 2.67% EE, 10.97% ashes, 64.21% NDF, 34.95% ADF, 4.06% lignin and 68.02% IVDMD on a dry matter basis. Estimated energy content for the variables of TDN, DE, ME, NE L (3X), and NE G was 61.37%, 2.71, 2.05, 1.25 and 0.78 Mcal.kg -1 DM, respectively. Nutritional value of african star grass varied along the year, as it is sensitive to weather conditions. The farms with influence from the Pacific slope are less affected in forage quality than those with Atlantic influence. CP content was higher in this study than in previous evaluations for this species elsewhere and, in general, for tropical grasses as well. Protein is not a limiting factor for dairy cattle grazing african star grass, and its supply must use sources that allow an efficient utilization of soluble N by rumen microorganisms. The 25-day rotation systems in Monteverde must be flexible to allow, jointly with fertilization programs, the optimization of the productivity and persistence of the pastures.References
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