Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Fruit quality of red papaya genotypes cultivated in Yucatan, Mexico
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calidad de fruto
fruit quality

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Santamaría, F., Mirafuentes, F., Zavala, M. J., & Vázquez, E. (2015). Fruit quality of red papaya genotypes cultivated in Yucatan, Mexico. Agronomía Costarricense, 39(1).


Maradol is the main papaya cultivated in Mexico and one of the main crops in Yucatan. It presents some inconveniences, such as susceptibility to viruses, so new cultivars that can surpass Maradol yield are looked for, but it is necessary that they show similar quality characteristics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality characteristics of the fruits of new genotypes produced in Yucatan. Six commercial materials (Maradol, Sensation, Intenzza, Siluet, Lenia Plus and Jibara) and 2 hybrids generated by INIFAP (Azteca and MSXJ) were evaluated. Size, color of peel and pulp, firmness of the pulp and total soluble solids content were assessed. In fruit size, except for Jibara which is very big (2.900 kg) and Siluet, which is very small (1.200 kg), the remaining 6 varieties were similar to Maradol. As for peel color, Intenzza and Siluet presented a similar hue than Maradol (65 a 67o), but more luminosity. Siluet and Sensation had more total soluble solids than Maradol, but less pulp firmness. Sensation, Lenia Plus and MSXJ show good characteristics considering fruit size, pulp firmness, total soluble solids content and peel and pulp color, thus can compete in quality with Maradol variety.
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