Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Risk factors for clinical mastitis in dairy cattle of Costa Rica
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fisk factors
clinical mastitis
logistic regression
dairy cows
factor de riesgo
mastitis clínica
regresión logística
vacas lecheras

How to Cite

Mora, M. G., Vargas, B., Romero, J. J., & Camacho, J. (2015). Risk factors for clinical mastitis in dairy cattle of Costa Rica. Agronomía Costarricense, 39(2).


A retrospective observational study was conducted to evaluate risk factors related to the cow and its environment on the occurrence of early events of clinical mastitis in dairy cattle of Costa Rica. Data on 313 406 lactations from 101 125 cows and 288 herds was available. The relative frequency of mastitis at the population level was 11.6%, ranging from 0.3% to 70.7% between herds. The population incidence rate was 4.65 cases per 10 000 days at risk in lactation, ranging from 0.092 to 5.7 between herds. Logistic regression was used to evaluate potential risk factors affecting incidence of clinical mastitis. Two generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were explored, without (base model) and with (alternative model) effects from previous lactation. The fixed factors with significant effect were: agroecological zone, racial group, year, number and month of calving, stage of lactation, duration and milk production in previous lactation, and history of mastitis in previous lactation. Categories with higher vs. lower propensity to mastitis were, respectively: tropical dry forest (OR Odds ratio: 11.03) vs. tropical rainforest (OR: 0.97), breed type Jersey×Brown Swiss (OR: 1.67) vs. Brown Swiss (OR: 1), birth-year before 1995 (OR:2.19) vs. after 2010 (OR: 1), fourth parity (OR:1.19) vs. first parity (OR: 0.54), month of calving March (OR: 1.25) vs. October (OR: 0.95), stage of lactation 1-30 days (OR:1.04) vs. 391-420 days (OR: 0.94). In covariates, an increase of 30 d in the previous lactation length was associated with an OR of 1.04 and an increase in production of 1000 kg in the previous lactation was associated with an OR of 1.17. These findings may be useful for the development of preventive protocols aimed at reducing the incidence of mastitis in groups with a higher risk.
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