Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Effect of charges in post-harvest handling on the quiality and shelf-life of coyote coriander
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cilantro coyote
postharvest handling
mechanical damage
shelf life
culantro coyote
manejo poscosecha
daño mecánico
vida útil

How to Cite

Cerdas Araya, M. del M., & Montero Calderón, M. (2016). Effect of charges in post-harvest handling on the quiality and shelf-life of coyote coriander. Agronomía Costarricense, 40(1).


Effect of charges in post-harvest handling on the quality and shelf-life of coyote coriander (Eryngium foedium L.) for export. The effect several of changes in post-harvest practices of coyote coriander for export was determined: hand shaking of coriander tied and loose bunches; plastic loops instead of rubber bands to hold bunches together; a commercial surfactant (TA, Vega-AKleen, 15 g.l-1) incorporated in washing solution; 3 speeds of centrifugation; 2 packaging materials and 3 storage temperatures. Hand shaking of tied bunches increased mechanical damage to 87%, in contrast with 63% for untied bunches. The use of the surfactant increased up to 30% excess water elimination during the first 5 minutes of passive drainage, as compared with produce washed with pure water, and also lead to larger insect recovery (37/bunch with surfactant, and 19/ bunch without). When hand shaking was used after washing, insect extraction was larger (56 and 48/ bunch, respectively). Water drainage increased from 33 to 84 ml/100 g when centrifugation speed increased from 25 to 50 and 75 rpm in the first minute, but no further changes were observed after additional timing (2-5 minutes) for 75 rpm; however, mechanical damages were 15 and 20% less at 25 and 50 rpm, in contrast with 30% at 75 rpm. As for substitution of rubber bands with plastic loops, the latter allowed 11% of mechanical damage reduction. Storage temperature at 10°C best preserved product quality, regardless of the packaging material, showing less than 5% of yellow leaves and less than 1% of necrosis and Cercospora damage symptoms after 15 days of storage.
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