Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Notes on management of lychee trees (<i>Litchi chinensis</i>) and its relation to flower induction
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prácticas de manejo
inducción floral
influencia ambiental
prácticas de manejo
inducción floral
influencia ambiental

How to Cite

Quesada, P., & Loría, C. L. (2016). Notes on management of lychee trees (<i>Litchi chinensis</i>) and its relation to flower induction. Agronomía Costarricense, 40(1).


Notes on management of lychee trees (Litchi chinensis) and its relation to flower induction. Observations were made in the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station. Several chemical and cultural management practices were applied, over the course of several years (2008-2012), on young lychee trees that had been propagated by means of air layering, with the purpose of observing their influence on blooming. The practices and products tested were: irrigation restriction, branch thinning, potassium nitrate, pachlobutrazole and ethrel. None of the management practices applied had a positive effect on the flowering of the trees under observation. It is speculated that lychee trees require prolonged periods with temperatures under 20ºC, for flower induction to occur
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