Prevalence of Fasciola hepatica and financial losses due to liver discards at three class A abattoirs in Costa Rica. In order to estimate the annual and monthly prevalence of F. hepatica and the yearly economic losses associated with liver discards due to the presence of this parasite, the records of 2014 generated by the Direction of Safety of Products of Animal Origin (DIPOA), of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock from 3 slaughterhouses located in the metropolitan area of Costa Rica, were analyzed. In 3 class A slaughterhouses, a total of 249 108 cattle were sacrificed in 2014, from which 4547 livers were discarded due to presence of F. hepatica in them. The highest prevalences, 2.33 to 2.55%, occurred in January, February and March, while the lowest, 1.32 to 1.56%, in August, September and October. The annual prevalence shown by these records was 1.83% (CI 95%: 1.77- 1.88). The economic losses associated with seizure of livers were 36.379.000 CRC, equivalent to 67.438 USD. The negative economic effect of this parasite in the country is stressed in this research and the usefulness of liver discards and registration at bovine slaughter establishments has proven a valid diagnostic tool for epidemiological surveillance, available to determine the status of this parasitic disease. As alternatives for the control and prevention of F. hepatica, it is advisable to consider the specific conditions of the regions affected and thus control this parasitosis through integrated management, involving the food source and regular deworming of livestock, with registration and monitoring of drugs used for de-worming, and environmental sanitation at affected farms.References
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