Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Uso potencial de lixiviados y tés de vermicompost en el control del ojo de gallo del cafeto <i>Mycena citricolor</i>
PDF (Español (España))


Ojo de gallo
Mycena citricolor
té de vermicompost
lixiviados de vermicompost
American leaf spot of coffee
Mycena citricolor
vermicompost tea
vermicompost lecheates

How to Cite

Zamora, K. (2017). Uso potencial de lixiviados y tés de vermicompost en el control del ojo de gallo del cafeto <i>Mycena citricolor</i>. Agronomía Costarricense, 41(1).


Potential use of vermicompost leachates and tea in the control of the American leaf spot of coffee Mycena citricolor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of vermicompost teas and vermicompost leachates from different material of animal and plant origin, on the suppression of M. citricolor in coffee leaves (Coffea arabica) under laboratory conditions. Teas from vermicompost of different manures, and coffee pulp, and a mixed of vermicompost leachates from coffee pulp and cattle manure were applied to coffee leaves, prior to inoculation with M. citricolor. Incidence (percentage of affected leaves) and severity (percent of leaf area damage), number of gem producing lesions and fungal reproductive structures (gems) were evaluated. Differences were observed within each organic waste group, thus, when manure-based vermicompost teas were applied, the one based on goat manure resulted in 16.5% more foliar area damage and a greater number of sporulated lesions compared to the control treatment. On the other hand, the treatment with bovine manure tea showed a 50% less affected leaves that the control treatment and no sporulated lesions. The use of coffee pulp teas increased percentage of affected leaves and leaf area damage over 20% compared to the control treatment. With respect to leachate vermicompost treatments, the ones based on coffee pulp showed no gem-producing lesions.
PDF (Español (España))


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