Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Macronutrient absorption and N uptake efficiency, in maize promising hybrid. Patricia Pilar, Ecuador
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Absorption curves
recovery efficiency
increase of absorption
Curvas de absorción
eficiencia de recuperación
incremento de absorción

How to Cite

Remache, M., Carrillo, M., Mora, R., Durango, W., & Morales, F. (2017). Macronutrient absorption and N uptake efficiency, in maize promising hybrid. Patricia Pilar, Ecuador. Agronomía Costarricense, 41(2).


When new genetic materials are released to the market, it is necessary to study their nutrient requirements, the dynamics of nutrient absorption and evaluate their profitability; thus, the objective of this research was to determine the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization and the variation in macronutrient uptake due to 4 doses of nitrogen in a promising maize hybrid, during the dry season, in Patricia Pilar, in the province of Los Ríos, Ecuador. Nitrogen doses of 0, 66, 132 and 198 kg.ha-1 were studied in a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates and the means separated by Tukey’s test (p<0.05). Plants were sampled every 15 days in order to evaluate total dry matter (DM) production and nutrient concentration. N recovery efficiency was evaluated at 110 days (physiological maturity) and grain yield at 120 days. Results showed that for the promissory maize hybrid, application of 132 kg of N.ha-1 increased uptake of N, P, K, Mg and S; but not Ca. The rate of absorption varied according to the nutrient; K was absorbed to a greater extent in the vegetative stage (80%), followed by N (50%); while P absorption was higher (60%) in the reproductive stage. Absorption of Ca, Mg and S followed the trend of DM production. With N application of 132 kg.ha-1, N uptake efficiency (0.5 was higher and absorption of CaO and MgO were increased (20.4 kg.ha-1, 18,4 kg.ha-1, respectively). With application 198 kg of N.ha-1, extraction of P2O5, K2O and S were improved (39.1; 35.8 and 3.0 kg.ha-1, respectively), in addition, the promissory hybrid responded to doses of N greater than 132 kg.ha-1
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