Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Evaluation of three organic soil emendations on clay soil for blueberry cultivar using cluster interpolated spatial maps
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cluster Ward
organic soil emendation
precision agriculture.
agricultura de precisión
cluster Ward
enmienda orgánica del suelo.

How to Cite

Kalbacher, K. T., Hernández-Rodríguez, O. A., Jiménez-Castro, J., Parra-Quezada, R., & Martínez-Rosales, A. F. (2018). Evaluation of three organic soil emendations on clay soil for blueberry cultivar using cluster interpolated spatial maps. Agronomía Costarricense, 42(2).


Organic agriculture are the agrienvironmental measures and agri-ecological alternatives which result in value-added agriculture. This study determined through interpolation of geostatistical analysis mapping if the organic measures were bio-intensive, modifying the soil to meet the requirements for the blueberry cultivar. The area of study was a blueberry orchard of 0.88 hectares, in the municipality of Cusihuriachi, Chihuahua, México, which had undergone three distinct organic soil emendation treatments to raisedbeds: (t1) gypsum and sulfur, (t2) gypsum, sulfur and compost, and (t3) gypsum, sulfur, compost and pine saw dust. Twenty-four soil samples were taken at 0 to 30 centimeters throughout the orchard from the raised beds, 75 days after the application of the three soil treatments. Soil analysis techniques were used to determine percent of clay in soil, pH of soil, amount of nitrates of soil, and percent of organic material in soil. The geostatistical analysis was determined through groups of similarity and difference with cluster Ward grouping. With the results from the analysis of cluster Ward an interpolated map was generated for each parameter using ArcMap and inverse distance weighting interpolation. The conclusion from this study was that interpolation mapping was a useful visualization tool, to determine that there was no weighted difference between the three emendation treatments, and that none of the treatments were effective enough to emendate the soil to the conditions desired by blueberry cultivar for the parameters observed. The maps were also helpful in determining specific soil conditions, outside of the treatment area, which could be utilized by the producer to determine a precision agriculture management plan, which could be considered as an additional agri-environmental measurement.
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