Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Evaluation of carbon accumulated in soil in silvopastoral systems of the Colombian Caribbean
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Contreras Santos, J. L., Martínez Atencia, J., Cadena Torres, J., & Fallas Guzmán, C. K. (2019). Evaluation of carbon accumulated in soil in silvopastoral systems of the Colombian Caribbean. Agronomía Costarricense, 44(1).


The silvopastoral systems play an important role in the recovery of degraded soils and in the mitigation of greenhouse gases, due to their capacity to capture atmospheric carbon and immobilize it in the soil. To estimate the potential of silvopastoral systems to incorporate carbon into the soil, 4 silvopastoral systems with different degrees of structural complexity were evaluated against a treeless pasture in a Colombian Caribbean livestock system. The evaluations included measurements of the amount of organic carbon accumulated, the physical properties of the soil as apparent density and mechanical resistance to penetration, and the biomass of fine roots. The results showed that on average the silvopastoral arrangements showed a carbon accumulation that varied between 60.6 and 65.1 t.ha-1 of C, in comparison with the traditional livestock system, of treeless pastures, in which an accumulation of 38.3 t.ha-1 of C. This represents an accumulation of carbon that is between 58.2 and 69.9% higher in silvopastoral systems, compared with the traditional system of livestock production, based on only pastures. Likewise, a reduction in the apparent density of the soil and resistance to root penetration was observed, concomitant with a greater presence of fine roots in the silvopastoral systems, in comparison with what was observed in the soil of the treeless pasture. These results demonstrate the beneficial effects of silvopastoral systems on the incorporation of carbon into the soil and represent a viable alternative for the establishment of a more sustainable livestock in the Colombian Caribbean. 

Keywords: Llivestock; pastures; silvopastoral systems; organic carbon in the soil.
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