Agronomía Costarricense ISSN Impreso: 0377-9424 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2202

Efecto de la rotación de cultivos en la incidencia del amachamiento (aphelenchoides besseyi christie) en frijol
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rotación de cultivos
aphelenchoides besseyi christie
phaseolus vulgaris l.
manejo de enfermedades
nematodo foliar
crop rotation
aphelenchoides besseyi christie
phaseolus vulgaris l.
disease management
foliar nematode

How to Cite

Chaves, N. F., & Araya, C. M. (2013). Efecto de la rotación de cultivos en la incidencia del amachamiento (aphelenchoides besseyi christie) en frijol. Agronomía Costarricense, 36(2).


Effect of crop rotation in the incidenceof “amachamiento” (Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie) in common bean. The effect of crop rotation on the incidence of common bean “amachamiento” was evaluated in the “Brunca” region in Costa Rica during 2009 complemented by a field observation during 2010. The incidence of “amachamiento” in 2009 was quantified in vegetative (V3 or V4), flowering (R6) and pod-production (R8) plant growth stages, in bean commercial fields rotating with previous rice, corn, hot-pepper, pumpkin or bean. Four micro-plots (10 m2) were established in each field; to score “amachamiento” incidence, data were subjected to angular transformation and statistical means among treatments were separated by ANOVA. The 2010 field observation was developed in a farm growing common beans on soils previously planted with either ginger, taro or corn. In 2009, during the R8 growth stage a minimum incidence was detected in the hot-pepper-bean rotation (4%), intermediate levels inthe pumpkin-bean (15%) and rice-bean rotation(29%), and high incidence in both bean-bean(62%) and corn-bean (64%) rotations. In the 2010 field observations, during the floweringstage “amachamiento” incidence was 4% in the ginger-bean rotation and 5% in the taro-bean one, significantly lower than in the corn-bean rotation (25%). Based on these results, crop rotations suchas hot-pepper, ginger, taro or pumpkin precedingcommon bean can reduce both “amachamiento” incidence and, consequently, yield losses.
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