Effect of density on the yield of cassava (Manihot esculentum Crantz) cv. Valencia.


  • Moisés Blanco-Navarro Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA)
  • Víctor Aguilar-Bustamanete Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA)
  • Jose Rafael García-López Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA)
  • Chambar Baldioceda-Manzanares Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA)




Manihot esculentum, density, number and diameter of tuberous roots, yield, Nicaragua.


A study of cassava

(Manihot esculenta Crantz) cv. Valencia was carried out in

June of 2001, in San José de Monte Redondo, Municipality

of Masatepe, Masaya Department, Nicaragua. The objective

of this test was to assess the effect of 14 286, 15 385, 16 667,

18 182, 20 000 y 22 222 plants per hectare on the components

of yield. Spacing was 1m between rows and 0.70, 0.65, 0.60,

0.55, 0.50 y 0.45 m between plants respectively. The

experimental design used was a completely randomized

blocks design, with four replications. Higher emergency of

plants (91.75 %) was obtained with a population of 16,667

plants per hectare (1 x 0.6 m). The highest number of

tuberous roots was 5.13 in a density of 14 286 plants per

hectare (1 x 0.7). The largest diameter of root (5.20 cm), and

the best yield (27.75 t/ha) were obtained with a plant

population of 15 385 plants per hectare, when plants were

sown at 1 m between rows and 0.65 m between plants. This

density caused the formation of the highest quantity of roots

for exportation.


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How to Cite

Blanco-Navarro, M., Aguilar-Bustamanete, V., García-López, J. R., & Baldioceda-Manzanares, C. (2005). Effect of density on the yield of cassava (Manihot esculentum Crantz) cv. Valencia. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 16(2), 225–230. https://doi.org/10.15517/am.v16i2.11876