General and specífic combining ability for tropical lines of corn using testers.


  • Mauro Sierra INIFAP
  • Fidel Marquez Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Guadalajara.
  • Roberto Valdivia INIFAP
  • Octavio Cano INIFAP
  • Flavio A. Rodríguez INIFAP



Thus, during autumn - winter season in 1996/97, there were evaluated in Cotaxtla, Ver. top crosses of tropical maize lines derived of several sources of germplasm such as: a) Recycled lines from H-513XVS-536, b) lines derived from a compound of wide genetic base (CABG3), c) Elite lines from Cotaxtla maize program and d) CIMMYT lines . There were used as testers, the lines LT154, and LT155 which are parents of H-513 and CML247 and CML254 which cross is an heterotic pattern defined by CIMMYT for the tropic . There were found lines like F31 x F30-4-3, F41 x F40-1-2, CABG3’-12-2-1-2-1, LT-174 y CML55 that registered good specific combining ability with tester 2 (LT-155) ;and F4 x F3-5-2 and CML15,with tester 4 (CML 254). On the other hand F4 x F5-5-1, CABG3’-12-2-1- 2-1, LT-174, CML13 and CML 15 had the best general combining ability. In relation with testers, it was found for recycled lines, that testers LT154 and CML254 registered the highest values for regression coefficients; It indicates that these testers identify the best lines; In lines derived from CABG3, tester LT155 registered the best value; In Elite lines, testers 2(LT155) and 3(CML247) identified better lines and from CIMMYT lines the best tester was CML254.


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How to Cite

Sierra, M., Marquez, F., Valdivia, R., Cano, O., & Rodríguez, F. A. (2006). General and specífic combining ability for tropical lines of corn using testers. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 11(1), 103–112.

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