In vitro test for the vegetative propagation of sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) from young leaves.


  • José M. Cuellar Universidad Católica de Occidente (UNICO), Santa Ana, El Salvador.



This paper reports on the first in vitro cultivation tests done in El Salvador. The responses of cultivars MEX 70-485 and MEX 68-P-23 on various propagation stages, were evaluated in vitro. Young leaves still in the rolled stage were utilized. Explants 5 mm in lenght were placed on a Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium, modified for each stage of planttet recovery as follows: For the development and growth of “calluses” dosis, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 mg/l of 2.4/D were added and for differentiation, it was subtracted. To induce rhyzogenesis we used a medium with half of the macro-nutrients , one with the complete salts the other with the complete salts plus a supplement of 5 mg/l of AIA. Outstanding results were the following: In the phase of “calluses” formation, the major problem was the phenolization of the explants; the best 2.4-D acid concentration was 3.0 mgl, for both the calluses formation as for their growth and development. The differentiation was obtained with the renoval of 2.4-D acid from the medium, and the rhyzogenesis was favored with the supplement of 5 mg/l of AIA


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How to Cite

Cuellar, J. M. (2016). In vitro test for the vegetative propagation of sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) from young leaves. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 8(1), 74–80.