Fodder kilns: a new promissing technology for smaIl dairy farms of the dry tropics.


  • Romeo Solano CATIE-SAREC
  • Roberto Rauano Escuela de Zootecnia de la USAC, Guatemala.
  • Reyna Zamora MAG-Región I de Nicaragua.



The present work was conducted on different farms of the dry tropics of Nicaragua. The experience was obtained mainly in the municipalities of Esteli, Somoto, Condega, Pueblo Nuevo and Limay, which is the area covering the PRONORTE Project. This region is characterized by an irregular rainfall distribution which varies from 600 to 900 mm and a heavy marked dry season with strong shortages of cattle feed. The fodder kilns were built by the farmers, who were informed in detail on the technology used, so this expcrience was considered as a validation. The cost of dry fodder for the kiln was $0.05/kg, which is readily available to the producers of the region, besides of the use of basic grains' residues, that otherwise would lose their quality and quantity. The acceptability of the fodder kilns was high (100%) and its adoption reached 96%, which means that this technology is appropriate and could be adapted to the socioeconomic conditions of the producers from the dry region of northern Nicaragua.


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How to Cite

Solano, R., Rauano, R., & Zamora, R. (2016). Fodder kilns: a new promissing technology for smaIl dairy farms of the dry tropics. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 5, 59–66.