Valor nutritivo de la pulpa de café sometida a fermentación sólida usando Aspergillus niger en pollos y cerdos


  • Mario Molina INCAP
  • Otto Raúl Lechuga
  • Ricardo Bressani



Alimento para pollos y cerdos, nutrición.


Coffee pulp was subjected to a solid-state fermentation process using Aspergillus niger, an Initial moisture content of 80%, pH 3.5,35°C and adding 2.5% commercial urea and 2.0% commercial dicalcium phosphate, for a total of 48 h. The sundried fermented material proved to have a significantly (P<0.05) lower polyphenolic, caffeine and fiber content than the original sun-dried coffee pulp. Further, the true protein content of the fermented material (18%) was significantly (P<0.01) higher than that of the original material (5%). When the pulp was included at a 5, 10 and 15% levels In growing chicken rations It was found that after six weeks the ration containing 15% of the fermented pulp presented a weight gain (1.43 kg) and a feed efficiency (2.20) significantly equal to the control ration (without pulp) and better (P<0.05) than the ration containing the sundried, unfermented pulp at 15 % (1.19 kg and 2.55, respectively). In the case of growing swine fed with rations containing either fermented or unfermented pulp at 20% level for 8 weeks the results were similar to those obtained In the chicken experiment. It is concluded that solid-state fermentation represents a viable technological alternative to improve the nutritional value of coffee pulp.


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How to Cite

Molina, M., Lechuga, O. R., & Bressani, R. (2016). Valor nutritivo de la pulpa de café sometida a fermentación sólida usando Aspergillus niger en pollos y cerdos. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 1, 79–82.