Silica complemented fertilization on tomato resistance to Fusarium oxysporum Schtdl.


  • Yolanda García-Ramos Universidad Veracruzana
  • María Elena Galindo-Tovar Universidad Veracruzana
  • Joaquín Murguía-González Universidad Veracruzana
  • Ivonne Landero-Torres Universidad Veracruzana
  • Otto Raúl Leyva-Ovalle Universidad Veracruzana



Solanum lycopersicum, vascular wilt, fusariosis, fungal diseases.


Tomato production stands in first place worldwide. This fruit presents benefits as an antioxidant and is widely used in the Mesoamerican cuisine. In this crop, Fusarium oxysporum causes one of the principal diseases that produce wilting and plant death. In fertilizers use, it is known that application of silica improves resistance to diseases. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of fertilization supplemented with silica on resistance of tomato to F. oxysporum. In Peñuela, Veracruz, Mexico, from April to July 2015, doses recommended by the manufacturer, and also one 20% lower and other 20% higher of PSD, Silifertidol Ultra y Fosfosilidol fertilizers were applied to tomato plants. The benefit of silica in plant growth was significantly associated with fertilizer sources and the applied doses. The best result was observed when doses 20% higher than the recommended, were applied, and Cid F1 variety was more susceptible to F. oxysporum. The fertilizer with the best results on the severity and incidence was PSD, and best growth was observed when silica was applied at between 33 and 40%. This investigation reached as a conclusion that the application of fertilizers supplemented with silica, resulted in an improved growth of tomato plants and an increased resistance to F. oxysporum, due to the increase in photosynthetic activity and thickness of the cuticle.


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Author Biographies

Yolanda García-Ramos, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciatura en Biología  

Maestría en Horticultura Tropical

María Elena Galindo-Tovar, Universidad Veracruzana

Docente-investigador de Universidad Veracruzana

Coordinador de la Maestría en Horticultura Tropical

Reconocimiento Sistema Nacional de Investigadores

Reconocimiento Perfil Deseable (Docencia)

Profesor Decano


Joaquín Murguía-González, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciatura en Ingeniero Agrónomo

Maestro en Ciencias en Fitopatología

Doctor en Ciencias en Agroecosistemas Tropicales

Reconocimiento Perfil Deseable (Docencia)

Profesor Decano

Coordinador del Doctorado en Ciencias Agropecuarias

Ivonne Landero-Torres, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciatura en Biología

Maestría en Desarrollo Urbano

Perfil Deseable (docencia)

Otto Raúl Leyva-Ovalle, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciatura en Ingeniero Agrónomo

Maestro en Ciencias Especialista en Genética

Doctor en Ciencias Especialista en Genética

Perfil Deseable (Docencia)

Director de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias


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How to Cite

García-Ramos, Y., Galindo-Tovar, M. E., Murguía-González, J., Landero-Torres, I., & Leyva-Ovalle, O. R. (2018). Silica complemented fertilization on tomato resistance to Fusarium oxysporum Schtdl. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 29(1), 41–52.