Quality of life of coffee growers in the high mountains of Veracruz, Mexico
income, health, nutrition, personal satisfaction, community lifeAbstract
Introduction. The High Mountain Region (RHM) is the most productive and socioeconomic region for the coffee cultivation in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, and one of the most representative of the sector at the national level. Objective. To determine the quality of life (QL) from the objective and subjective point of view of the small coffee producers (SP) in RHM, Mexico. Materials and methods. One hundred and fifty semi-structured interviews were applied to producers in eleven municipalities located in: Comapa, Coscomatepec, Huatusco, Ixhuatlán del café, Sochiapa, Tenampa, Tomatlán, Totutla, Tlaltetela, Tlacotepec, and Zentla, during 2020. Descriptive statistics and trend measurements were obtained. Results. At objective level the QL was found to be low, but at the farmers’ subjective level, it was determined to be acceptable. In the objective assessment, it was identified that the SP have minimal education (primary), the income is not adequate (they require activities outside the farm with an average net annual income of US $ 416 to US $ 1115), the cost of health has increased (due to the COVID-19 pandemic), and proper nutrition is lacking (19 to 25 meals per month). In the subjective assessment there is insecurity and distrust with the government authorities, however, the producers have adapted to living in adverse socioeconomic contexts, since they value community life, intra-family relationships and their environment (coffee growing), which could be influenced by their own worldview. Conclusion. With or without knowledge of the concept of quality, producers have developed a learned or acquired capacity, both individually and collectively to adapt to the environment. Objectively, the quality of life is considered low, however, the interviewees had a perception of satisfaction both individually and collectively.
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