The effect of processing and storage on Klanceng honey (Tetragonula laeviceps)
heating, invertase, diastase, honey qualityAbstract
Introduction. Klanceng honey (Tetragonula laeviceps) is in great demand because of its benefits. There is no information on the expiration date of the Klanceng honey. Objective. To predict the shelf life of Klanceng honey by evaluating the effect of heating (40 ºC / 48 h and 70 ºC / 7 h) and storage for two years. Materials and methods. The analysis was carried out three times (2020, 2021, and 2022) at the National Innovation Research Agency Laboratory, Jakarta, Indonesia. Samples of Klanceng honey (Tetragonula laeviceps) were taken from a bee farm in Magetan, East Java, Indonesia. The sample (5 kg) was divided into 3: without heating process (UT), heating at 40 ºC / 48 h (T1), and heating at 70 ºC / 7 h (T2). Then analyzed the activity of HMF, diastase, invertase, acid phosphatase (AP), glucose oxidase (GO), DPPH, honey color, and phenolic at 0, 12 and 24-months. Results. The results showed that short heating at high temperature (70 ºC / 7 h) had a greater impact on decreasing enzyme activity compared to prolonged heating at low temperature (40 ºC / 48 h). Storage had a major impact on the increase of 5-hydroxymethyl (furan)-2-carbaldehyde (HMF) compared to the heating process. During storage (24-months) the HMF value exceeded the maximum limit. Conclusions. The HMF value (55.33 ± 0.57 mg/kg) exceeded the maximum allowable limit (max 40 ppm), this was due to the significant effect of heating on T2 and the storage process. The shelf life of Klanceng honey was two years, as long as it was not heated to high temperatures (70 ºC).
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