Use of RPAS for precision evapotranspiration in rice fields and water consumption reduction
rice paddies, energy balance, drone, controlled dry irrigationAbstract
Introduction. Estimating crop evapotranspiration (ETc) helps determine water requirements, enabling the proposal of irrigation techniques that save water. Objective. To use remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAs) for greater precision in measuring evapotranspiration in rice fields, aiming to reduce water consumption. Materials and methods. The study utilized a randomized complete block design with a factorial structure of two experiments: flooded irrigation (E1) and irrigation with controlled drying (E2), and three rice varieties (IR43, IR71706, Sahod Ulan 12). The study was conducted at the Experimental Irrigation Area (AER) of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru. Eight RPAS flights were carried out between January and February 2019, distributed between the tillering and cotton point stages. Results. The combined analysis of treatments using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s test with p < 0.05 revealed a significant difference in ETc between E1 and E2. However, no significant difference was found between the rice varieties. Maximum values of ETc and yield were obtained for E1 at 4.50 mm/ day and 10389 kg/ha, and for E2 at 3.7 mm/day and 9710 kg/ha, respectively. Conclusions. The use of a remotely piloted aircraft system improved the temporal and spatial resolution of multispectral and thermal images, providing greater accuracy in crop evapotranspiration (ETc) under two irrigation regimes. Controlled drying irrigation resulted in a A 24% reduction in ETc, allowing for a water saving of 855 m3/ha.
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