Biotechnology and the agricultural field.
This article summarizes how the modern biotechnology techniques can be used as a tool to make the traditional animal and plant breeding methodologies more efficient. The advantages and disadvantages of using these techniques were analyzed at each stage of the selection process of the breeding program. We compared the ease of handling and time saving obtained when the biotechnology component is integrated in the process used by the breeder. The new techniques analyzed were: a- Tissue and organ culture; b- Genetic transformation; c- Molecular genetic markers. Likewise, the current interest of multinational corporations on the potential of the agriculture modified by the biotechnology and the further concentration of knowledge and intellectual rights was analyzed. The importance for the Latin American countries to rule as a group and to share a common criteria in order to legislate in favor of the intellectual rights and biosafty was also emphasized. This legislation would allow a harmonic development of biotechnology among our countries.
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