Comportamiento del pasto Taiwán (Pennisetum purpureum) fertilizado con efluente de biogas en época de máxima precipitación pluvial


  • José M. Will CURLA
  • Guillermo Valle A. CURLA



Abono orgánico, gramíneas, forraje.


This work was conducted at the Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Atlántico (CURLA) at 15°47’north latitude and 86°50’ west longitude, 10 km west La Ceiba, Honduras. The ecosystem Is characterized as tropical rain forest having 2700 mm of rainfall per year and an average annual temperature of 27°C with 82% relative humidity. Soils in the region are characterized by having an average soil pH of 4.9, have low levels of available N and P, high levels of Fe and intermediate levels of Mn. A randomized complete block design was employed with 4 replications. Plot size was 2 x 3 m encompassing 3 rows. In each block three rates of biogas effluent were applied at 250,500 and 750 kg N/ha/year. An added check with zero effluent was also included. The grass was cut at the surface of the soil every 56 days and the application of effluent was made in split applications. The results indicate that these treatments increased yield at least 25 % above the check. In the first cuttings there was a tendency to decrease yields although final cuttings demonstrated increased yields. This same response was observed in plant protein, especially in the last cutting where a 48 % increase was obtained. The best  treatmentrelative to forage production and protein content was found when 500 kg N/ha/year was applied.


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How to Cite

Will, J. M., & Valle A., G. (2016). Comportamiento del pasto Taiwán (Pennisetum purpureum) fertilizado con efluente de biogas en época de máxima precipitación pluvial. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 1, 69–72.