Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología ISSN Impreso: 0378-052X ISSN electrónico: 2215-5708

Odontología en el Renacimiento Español: la práctica profesional


Until the publication of the book Coloquio... Sobre la materia de la dentadura, y maravillosa obra de la boca by Franco Martínez del Catrillo in 1557, the dental subjet was relegated to an inferior plane below Medicine and Surgery as well in the Antique, but particularly during the Middle Age in the cristian world, with their strong consequences among the human beings. This article study the transition from Middle Age to the Enlightment in Spain through the development of the dentistry thoery and praxis as a part of the surgery skills, and it pointed the Coloquio... as a master piece of innovation, trascending it throughout Europe, not only as a medicne speciality but also influencing the culture and hygiene at that time. Some remarks at the end the book gives a brief selection of contents of others treatise on medicine and general surgery, particularly on dental and buccal treatment. For the elaboration for this study original bibliographics sources were consulted in situ that are keeped by the National Library of Madrid, also section of Science and Medicine in the Library of the University of Zaragoza, and others libraries in Spain and Europe.
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