Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología ISSN Impreso: 0378-052X ISSN electrónico: 2215-5708

Diseño de un instrumento de invención de problemas para caracterizar el talento matemático


The design of an instrument of problem posing to characterize the mathematical talent by this type of activities is presented. This instrument consists of three questionnaires containing ten tasks of problem posing, which were applied in a pilot study to two groups of secundary students, one considered with mathematical talent and another of a normal public school. For the design of the instrument, a literature review was carried out related to the processes of problem posing, classification, and designing of problem posing tasks, as well as the characteristics of mathematical talent associated with this type of activities. The results of the study allowed adjustments to the instrument, in relation to the type of task proposed, the indications, the statement and the time stipulated to complete it. In the same way, it allowed to identify thirteen characteristics of talent, key for problem posing, and in each one of them three levels of comprehension that will allow to characterize the mathematical talent.

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