Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática ISSN Impreso: 1659-2573 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5627

Desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas a través del recurso tecnológico ‘‘software libre de Scratch’’


Underlying this experience is the development of metacognitive skills through the free soft- ware, Scratch, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. To begin, reference is made to the elaboration of a regional teaching proposal for an approach to the subject of Mathematics II of the second semester of high school, based on the guidelines given by the federal and state authorities of Mexico, in relation to the approach of alternative solutions to real or hypothetical situations raised in the Study Program that guide the New Educational Model for Compulsory Education in Mexico. The pedagogical application of of Scratch is then described specifying the necessary components for the development of metacognitive skills in students which leads to the elaboration of the contextualized problem for the execution of the technological resource as a didactic sequence, designed according to the different distance educational scenarios presented by experienced students. Finally, the conclusions and proposals emanating from the distance educational experience during the pandemic are presented as a transcendent conjuncture for mathematics teachers to improve and offer different ways of teaching mathematics in an enjoyable way.

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