Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática ISSN Impreso: 1659-2573 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5627

La Educación Matemática en hogares venezolanos durante la pandemia


The family, as the fundamental basis of society, has always played a decisive role in the education of children. Together with the school, it actively participates in this process, especially with regard to the formation of principles, values and behavioral schemes. In the context of the pandemic, by adopting a non-face-to-face education, this role of the family has been disrupted, also taking on issues specific to the school that are more linked to curricular and pedagogical matters. Each family has performed according to its own characteristics and possibilities. In this article, through the cases of three families, we intend to show what has happened inside Venezuelan homes, emphasizing the way in which Mathematics Education has been approached, its scope and limitations. The analysis of these cases shows that the economic situation, the academic preparation of the parents and the expectations of the family regarding the learning of children have been decisive in the results obtained.



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