Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática ISSN Impreso: 1659-2573 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5627

La virtualidad como contexto para el surgimiento de la Olimpiada Internacional de Matemática para Educación Primaria (OLIMPRI)


Students who present some talent that allows them to have an outstanding performance in the artistic, sports or academic area, should have opportunities for encouragement and support to develop those skills to the maximum. In the case of gifted or talent in mathematics, there are events in which healthy competition is fostered between students of the same age, in stages: regional, national and international. At the high school, these types of activities are more common, there has even been an International Olympiad for more than sixty years, although it is preferable to encourage these capacities from the first stages of schooling for an early stimulation and better development of their talent. That is why, taking advantage of the virtual context to which, the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus led us, the initiative arises to hold an International Mathematics Olympiad at the Primary level, with which a space is fostered to learn to enjoy mathematics and at the same time, generate cooperation ties between countries. In this way, in 2020 the first edition of OLIMPRI take place with the participation of nine countries and during 2021, the joint will continue to have the second edition, for which the participation of fourteen countries has already been confirmed.

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