This paper analyzes the results of the implementation of a model curriculum innovation in mathematics in public schools in Chile. The results
come from the project Enlaces Matemática. This information is supplemented with data from the study leading to Ph. D. degree by one
of the authors. This project is based on interactive mathematical teaching model developed by Comenius Center, University of Santiago (Oteiza &
Miranda, 2004), whose model has been designed, developed and tested from the classrooms. From the evidence examined to ensure it is concluded
that changes in teaching practices and improvements in learning achievement, it requires a curricular model that integrates naturally different
resources for teacher and student, consider the total content of current curriculum. In addition, it requires a process of fostering and ongoing support, focusing on the appropriation of the model by the participants
and to support changes in the roles involved. It is shown consistently that students participating in the project perform better than students not involved in this. This allows inference suggestions and recommendations on curricular innovation processes, changing teaching practices, changes in roles of the actors of the educational process and strategies to support teachers and students in the appropriation of these innovations.