Cuadernos de Investigación y Formación en Educación Matemática ISSN Impreso: 1659-2573 ISSN electrónico: 2215-5627

Professional knowledge of (prospective) Mathematics teachers – Its structure and development


Recent research on the professional knowledge of mathematics teachers, which has been carried out in the last decade, is in the focus of this paper. Building on the international IEA Teacher Education and Development Study – Learning to Teach Mathematics (TEDS-M), this paper describes a more situated way of evaluating the professional knowledge of teachers. The theoretical framework of the follow-up study of TEDS-M takes up the novice-expert framework and analyses via video-based assessment instruments the structure and development of the professional knowledge of mathematics teachers. More recent concepts on noticing and interpreting classroom situations and students’ activities are also incorporated into the analysis. Connecting the results of the study TEDS-FU with the study TEDS-M gives insight into the development of the professional knowledge of mathematics teachers.



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