When studying Spanish grammars of different character, structural, functionalist or generativist, it can be noticed that the concept of parts of the sentence or grammatical categories, and particularly the concept of noun, still follows the traditional paradigm centered in the noun- subject defined by Nebrija, Bello and Cuervo and the Real Academia since 1771. Using a grammar centered in the verb, verbal grammar or Gramática Viva, and using a corpus of 50 popular Hispanic songs, expression of language in action, chosen for their grammatical and semantic richness, we intent to demonstrate that noun and other grammatical categories can be defined in a more productive manner. Our objective is to propose a paradigm which, taking the verb as the essential category, allows to differentiate morpho-syntactically between: a) Substantive, adjective and adverb as primary categories, that is, nouns; b) Adjective as a secondary category qualifying and quantifying substantive nouns; c) Adverb as a secondary category quantifying and intensifying substantive nouns, adjective nouns, and adverb nouns; and d) Adverb as a tertiary category intensifying adjectives and adverbs.References
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