This paper proposes a discussion on writing under censorship and how two poets, geographically distant and with two different languages, can be linked by the desire to overcome the censorship and make their word cross boundaries. In the course of this difficult task, poets José Agustín Goytisolo and Carlos Drummond de Andrade, from the Iberian Peninsula and Brazil, communicate their desire to extinct the silence that stifles their voice and represses the fluent expression of the poetic verb. From the analysis of two poems: “Notícias de Espanha”, of Drummond, and “Noticias a Carlos Drummond de Andrade”, of Goytisolo, we intend to indicate how the pain of the wall of silence that block off the Spanish houses is manifested in both, centered the joint between the desire for telling and the impossibility of knowing, which is expressed in these verses, we’ll discuss how the poetic contact between Drummond and Goytisolo reveals moments of turning points in Brazilian and Spanish histories.References
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