Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

El cuerpo cósmico como metáfora del orden divino, natural y social: una interpretación del himno al Purusa (R.V. X, 90)
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rg veda
cuerpo cósmico
sistema de castas
rg veda
cosmic body
caste system

How to Cite

Morales Harley, R. (2014). El cuerpo cósmico como metáfora del orden divino, natural y social: una interpretación del himno al Purusa (R.V. X, 90). Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 39(1), 9–24.


The Ṛg Veda is the oldest literary work in India. It consists of a collection of 1028 religious hymns, ordered in 10 books, whose composition dates back to approximately 1500 B.C., with the arrival of the Indo-Europeans to the subcontinent. The Puruṣa hymn (R.V. X, 90) is a cosmogonic text: it explains the origin of the world from the sacrifice of a primordial human being; and also a cosmological text: it supports the divine, natural and social order. In this paper, an interpretation of this literary image of the body is proposed as a determining factor for the caste systems adopted by Hindu society.
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