Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

Las inscripciones corporales del indio: canibalismo y desnudez en Pedro Cieza de León
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pedro de cieza de leon
chronicle of peru
colonial chronicles
the indigenous body
pedro de cieza de león
crónica del perú
crónicas coloniales
cuerpo del indígena

How to Cite

Chen Sham, J. (2014). Las inscripciones corporales del indio: canibalismo y desnudez en Pedro Cieza de León. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 39(1), 77–84.


Although rituals concerning the decoration of the body as a cannibalistic ritual might go unnoticed by the Eurocentric viewer because they do not have the capacity to observe in them neither practices of etiquette nor uses of a collective symbolism, they are valuable when you look in detail at the inscriptions of the body. Reconfiguring them within an environment in which a notion transforms itself into an idea that makes sense of cannibalism and nakedness, two topics, which are understudied indigenous subjects, are reviewed. To this end we analyze of the chronicle of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, who wrote the Chronicle of Peru, the dominion of the Incas (Sevilla 1553).
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