This article takes as an object two short stories: “Cold front”, from Jessica Clark (2009) and “Sunset flower”, from Laura Quijano (2009). Both texts belong to the speculative fiction, or, in the words of Umberto Eco, metachronic. Two levels of analysis are proposed. In the first place, dealing with rethoric, the apparition of the proposed Chronotope named as Verde mortal, defined as the fusion of natural space and the future, with meanings of deception and death. Also, it will be considered the representation of cultural spaces “Latin America” y “The Northˮ (in this case, Europe, United States and Canada). It will be seen what is defined, from Decolonial Theory, as the opposition Center/ Periphery.
Bajtín, M. (1989). Teoría y estética de la novela. Madrid: Taurus.
Clark, J. (2009). Flor del crepúsculo. Por L. Casasa et ál. (Eds.). Posibles Futuros. (61-81). San José: EUNED.
Eco, U. (2012). Los mundos de la ciencia-ficción. En De los espejos y otros ensayos. (220-228). Barcelona: Random House Mondadori.
Quijano, A. (2007). Colonialidad del poder y clasificación social. Por S. Castro-Gómez y R. Grosfoguel (Eds.). El giro decolonial. (93-125). Bogotá: Siglo del Hombre.
Quijano, L. (2009). Frente frío. Por L. Casasa et ál. (Eds.). Posibles Futuros. (25-38). San José: EUNED.