Rosa María Britton offers an intriguing narrative speculation that, from the twenty-first century, rewrites Panama with the textual ingredients of a geopolitical projection that fosters the understanding that both the author, as well as the region, must accept as Panamanian reality. In order to sustain this knowledge, it has been necessary for Britton to resort to history as a foundation and thus question the traditional paradigm of the nation; nevertheless, it is the intention of this essay to understand the young republic as a private space, coming to accept the region as a public space, achieving as a direct result a closer and more accurate vision of the citizen in both representations, individual and collective. The article is based on a geocriticism that explores the human spaces that mimetic arts organize through the texts, the image, and the cultural interactions related to them. It is the constant challenge of a fragmented community that responds to the call of a single flag to confront a nationalism already inscribed in a republican and independent century. In other words, the narrative will be seen as a mobile geography that claims its place; it is a space that, by means of a textual chain is, and will continue to be, mutant.
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