Carmen Lyra published “The Stories of my Aunt Panchita” in 1920. In successive editions, she added stories about her Uncle Conejo (Uncle Rabbit), stories which had been published previously in literary magazines. In 1922, María Leal, published “Old Tales” which also included stories about the same character, mixed in with other universal folklore tales. In previously published literary magazines, up until the 1950s, the stories of Uncle Conejo continued to appear, with a very similar style and set of adventures to those published by Carmen Lyra; some of the tales were published anonymously.
Cantillano, Odilie. 2002. “Aspectos folclóricos en Los cuentos de mi tía Panchita”. Letras. 33: 33-97.
(2002). “Los cuentos de tío Conejo”. Letras. 34: 5-41.
García Monge, J. 1938. «Introducción». En Leal, María. Cuentos viejos. 2ª edición. San José: Ediciones del Repertorio Americano.
Pérez Iglesias, María. 1985. “Literatura infantil en Costa Rica (1900-1984) y el mundo mágico de Adela Ferreto”. Káñina (U.C.R.). IX-1: 101-118.
Ovares, Flora y Margarita Rojas. 2000. «Prólogo». En Lyra, Carmen. Los cuentos de mi tía Panchita.