Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

Exploring the concept of paratranslation and its implementation in <em>El album mexicano's</em> version of <em>The flowers personified</em>
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literary press
nineteenth century
female image
prensa literaria
siglo XIX
imagen femenina

How to Cite

Correa Larios, O., Flores Olague, R. G., & Murillo Gallegos, V. del C. (2020). Exploring the concept of paratranslation and its implementation in <em>El album mexicano’s</em> version of <em>The flowers personified</em>. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 47(1), e44382.


El álbum mexicano was an illustrated literary magazine edited by the printer Ignacio Cumplido that circulated in Mexico during 1849. Each number of the magazine included an illustration taken from Les fleurs animées (The flowers personified), an illustrated book published in France in 1847 by the illustrator and cartoonist Jean Ignace Isidore Grandville. The book dealt with the theme of values and the role of women. This book became an inspiration to develop a discourse about women through translations, abstracts, paraphrases and adaptations of the original text but also through new stories and essays that go beyond the translation process. Based on these illustrations and texts, this work proposes an exploration of the notion of paratranslation through the analysis of verbal and nonverbal paratextual elements linked to the source text and, mostly to the target text. Using the conceptual framework developed by Yuste Frías, the aim of this work is to demonstrate the applicability of the notion of paratranslation to the adaptation of texts and images for various target languages and cultures.
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