Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

The Space and Debate about the Identity in <em>El Viaje Sedentario</em> (1994) by Gonzalo Celorio
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literature on the move
Latin American identity
literatura en movimiento
identidad latinoamericana

How to Cite

Alfaro Cruz, Y. (2021). The Space and Debate about the Identity in <em>El Viaje Sedentario</em> (1994) by Gonzalo Celorio. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 47(2), e46413.


The purpose of this article is to study space/time in El Viaje Sedentario (1994) by Gonzalo Celorio, at the same time, to link these spatio-temporal manifestations as part of the debate on identity. For this purpose, literary geography was taken as a theoretical basis: Bajtín and Ottmar Etter's studies on the chronotope and literature in movement. The research proposes the analysis of the movements made by the protagonist throughout the text and the way in which the referents spatio-temporal are closely related to the process of constructing an identity. Finally, it is demonstrated that spaces described in El Viaje Sedentario (1994) are related to the increasing need to identify oneself within a group, for example, the architectural vestiges that are still preserved in Mexico City, and that represent the historical evolution and identity of a people. Thus, Mexico as a whole is visualized as the chronotope of the encounter where present and past converge and where layers of meaning and histories accumulate, from colonial times to the present.
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