This article elaborates a reading of the novel by Patricia Laurent Kullick, El Camino de Santiago (2003), from the topic of the journey that is problematized in the story. The analysis is made from Michel Foucault’s (1972) proposal around the depiction of The Ship of Fools, emblematic of a certain madness that travels and arouses imaginaries around its manifestations. Later, this image of the ship of fools will be enriched with Deleuze's (2015) proposal, and his notion of the fold, which the author relates to the ship of fools analyzed in The History Of Madness. Based on the notion of fold, we will analyze the supposed schizophrenia of the protagonist of El Camino De Santiago, a "disease" that takes a metaphorical form allowing us to explore a sense of madness as an escape, but above all, as a trip to the inner self and the exterior of the world, or of herself, since madness is conceived as a liminal experience.
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