Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica ISSN Impreso: 0377-628X ISSN electrónico: 2215-2628

Solange Rodriguez Pappe's “Little Women” on The Colonization of The Male Body
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male dominance
colonized body
symbolic violence
gender inequality
Latin American narrative of the 21st century
dominación masculina
cuerpo colonizado
violencia simbólica
desigualdad de género
narrativa latinoamericana del siglo XXI

How to Cite

Monge Lezcano, F. . (2024). Solange Rodriguez Pappe’s “Little Women” on The Colonization of The Male Body. Journal of Philology and Linguistics of the University of Costa Rica, 50(2), e60319.


The objective of this article is to develop an analysis from the perspective of gender inequality in the story “Little Women”, by the Ecuadorian writer Solange Rodríguez Pappe, which is included in the literary work The Kindness of Strangers (2014). in the context of the Latin American narrative of the last two decades of the 21st century. The methodology to be used is textual analysis to show how the fantastic and supernatural element confronts each other between the little women and Joaquín. In relation to the analysis and results, it is concluded that in the narrative context the development of an exploratory-colonizing relationship of the male body is evident in a misogynistic and ambiguous locus in which female subversion is opposed to male domination.
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