Una descripción analítica de los métodos más utilizados para la recolección y análisis de datos sociolingüísticos.
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Bell. R.T. 1.976. Sociolinguistics: goals, approaches and problems. Londres : Penguin.
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Bright, William, (Comp.). 1966. Sociolinguistics. La Haya: Mouton.
Brown, L. 1969, The social psychology of uaiations in French Canadian speech, Tesis doctoral. Montreal: McGill University.
Cedergren, H.J. y D. Sankoff, 1974, "Variable rules: performance as a statistical reflection of competence". Language, 50.
Fishman, J.A, (Comp.). 1971. Advances in the sociology of language. Vol I. Basic concepts, theories and problems : alternative approaches, La Haya : Mouton.
Gumperz, J, J. 1966. ,.On the ethnology of linguistic change". En W. Bright (Comp,).
Hockett, C.F. 1959. A course in modem linguistics, New York: Macmillan.
Kay, Paul. 1978. "Variable rules, community grammar and linguistic change". En D. Sankofi (Comp).
Krysin, L.P, 1974. Russian according to a mass survey. Moscú. En Svejcer (1986).
Labov, William. 1966. The social stratification of English. in New York City, Washington, D.C.: Center for Aplied Linguistics,
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____________. 1972b. Sociolinguistic patten "Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania press.
____________.1973. "The logic of non-standar English". En R.W. Bailey y J.L. Robinson (Comp,).
Lambert, W,E. L967. "A social psychology of bilingualism". The Journal of Social Issaes, Vol. 23,No.2.
Levine, L. y HJ. Crockett ,Jr, 1967. "Speech variation in a Piedmont community: the postvocalic /r/", . Explorations in sociolinguistics, Intemational Journal of Ameican Linguistics, Vol. 33, No,4.
Pride, J.B. y H. Holmes. 1972. Sociolinguistics. Selected readings. Harmondsworth : Social press.
Rousseau, P. y D, Sankoff, 1978. "Advances in variable rule methodology". En D. Sankoff (Comp.) (1979).
Sankoff, David. (Comp.). 1978. Linguistic variation. Models and methods. New York: Academic press.
Sankoff, G, 1972, "Language use in multilingual societies: some alternative approaches", En J.B, Pride y J. Holmes (Comp.).
Shuy, Roger W. (Comp.). 1973, 2nd. Annual roundtable Sociolinguistics: current trends and problems, Washington, D,C.: Georgetown University press.
Shuy, R.W., W. Wolfram y W. Riley, 1966. Field techniques in an urban language study. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Spears, Richard A. 1982, Slang and Euphemisms. New York: Signet.
Svejcer, A.D. 1 9 86. Contemporary sociolinguistics, Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publishing Company.
Umaña, Jeanina. 1982, "El concepto de variación y el desarrollo de la lingtiistica" , Káñina, Vol. VI, Nos, 1 y 2.