Volcanic structures associated with a N-S cortical fissure were distinguished between PuertoMomotombo and Malpaisillo. The Volcanic Complex El Hoyo is the result of at least three different eruption cycles.Development and collapse of the caldera of Picacho volcano, construction of Paleo Hoyo volcano and El Hoyo vol-cano, which has been active in 1528, 1952 and 1954. Less complicate structures correspond with the Asososca andThe Piles volcanoes, which together with the El Hoyo Complex generated a series of lava flows predominantly towardnorth and northeast producing irregular topography. The maares Malpaisillo and Asososca Lagoon are the result offreatomagmatic events, in association with a cortical fissure.The area has a high risk because the presence of NNWnormal faults and volcanoes, it would be necessary to prevent and mitigate damages in towns like, PuertoMomotombo, the America and Malpaisillo.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##
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