Herencia Journal ISSN Impreso: 1659-0066 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6356

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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Regarding the citation required, the criteria established by the APA Seventh edition standards must be followed, for the preparation of the bibliography. You can consult the guide in the following module: Citation rules
  • The article must include the following information:

    • A resume summarized in six lines.
    • Institutional affiliation, city, country.
    • A summary of the article of no more than 200 words, in Spanish and English.
    • A maximum of five keywords in Spanish and English.
  • In relation with originality policies and plagiarism detection, it's important to note that each work is submitted to district review methods, initially starting with a systematic process through the Paper Rater software for the detection and determination of the authenticity of a document, and then submitted for reading and review by the journal's editorial board, who will also be able to determine its condition.
  • In terms of style, theoretical deployment should be avoided and instead present the results by analyzing the proposed object. The style must be accessible, without this meaning disdaining academic rigor. A structural logic of the discourse must be sought in which the recipient is taken into account, as well as the didactic and informative function of the text.

  • If you want to include these illustrations must be embedded by the author in the document of the article, in addition, they must be supplied in an attached file. It's recommended that these be an object of mediation between the text message and the visual message, preferably figures, images or original photographs. If people appear in the illustrations, it's necessary to have the authorization for the use of image rights.

    Images must be in .JPG format and have a minimum of 2 Mb, in terms of weight, or a resolution of 266 to 300 DPI (dots per inch). If they're images obtained from the Internet, they must be free to use and not have image rights. It's necessary to supply the images with the required resolution and the source from which they were obtained must be cited.

    In case the images are part of the argumentation of the article and you want them to be placed in a specific place, it's recommended to clearly indicate the place where they should go.

  • Cites longer than twenty words are included in 10-point Avenir Next font, in a separate paragraph, with a 3-point indentation., to the right.

    Citations must appear in the language of the article. If you want to include a cite in another language, it must be included in the text translated into Spanish and the original fragment must be inserted as a footnote, indicating who is translating.

    The explanatory notes must be presented at the bottom of each page, with a smaller font size (10 pt.). The note callout is included before the punctuation mark¹.

  • The works must be original and unpublished, written in Word format, in Avenir Next font of 12 pt., spaced 1.5. The extension will have a maximum of 30,000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliography.

Author Guidelines

For authors RH1-UCR

Process of receiving evaluation, and publication of articles.

The following protocol includes information that systematizes the document publication process from receipt in Herencia. The protocol shows important indications that will consolidate the publication process in the near future, for example, aspects of format and content, for the attention of the authors prior to sending documents ready for future publication in Herencia. So that the review, analysis and editing processes of the submission result in an effective process for the author and efficient in the layout during the periodicity established by the Journal.

1. Absence of publication

The submitted works must be considered the product of original and unpublished research with scientific and cultural relevance of the heritage of humanity, and declared under oath through the document RH2-UCR (Adjustment to the submission protocol). This is found in downloadable and editable format in the documentation of the Journal in the following module:

Likewise, these cannot or must not have been previously published or simultaneously submitted to another journal.

The person interested in publishing in Herencia attaches the RH2-UCR form, in which he/she indicates his/her full name, degree and academic affiliation, profession, place of work, country of residence, e-mail address and summarized curriculum to be included in the article. In the case of articles with several authors, the order of relevance of these can be clarified. Finally, they sign to be in agreement with the rules and publication protocols of the journal.

2. Sending of documents

For the sending of documents (scientific popularization articles, articles for editions of special numbers, biographical sketches, reviews, reprints, interviews, community experiences, ancient urban testimonies and pages recovered from yesteryear), Herencia by institutional guidelines is limited to the reception of documents through the journal's website. When the main page is displayed, the header indicates the option to register as a user or login, once registered and in open session you can proceed to send the corresponding documentation in a folder in compressed format .rar or .zip. This must be named by the surname or surnames of the author.

To follow up on correspondence in connection with the publication process, you must also log in. Any query can be channeled through the email address

3. Evaluation of documents

Herencia journal is a biannual publication (January and June of each year). It's a platform for the dissemination of cultural research, non-profit and open access. Herencia is also a supportive channel for the participation of authors external to the publishing entity (University of Costa Rica) both nationally and internationally, in the publication, reading, review, and evaluation of writings.

The text evaluation method follows the instructions indicated in the Peer Evaluation Process. The method consists of two evaluative processes: internal evaluation and external evaluation. The first procedure is carried out by the Editorial Board of the Journal, who assess compliance with editorial standards, correspondence between the content of the article and the editorial profile of Herencia, and the quality of the writing.

The specific criteria of this evaluation are:

  • Interest and relevance of the topic addressed.
  • Presentation of clear objectives or research problem.
  • Specificity in the argument and in the way of developing the objectives or research problem.
  • Adequacy of the critical apparatus (notes and references) with the topic and the problems dealt with.
  • Quality of writing, both in protocols and academic uses, as well as in its grammatical and stylistic correctness.

The review by two evaluators who don't know the identity and affiliation of the author (double-blind system). This editorial process is indicated in the section of information about the journal on the website.

After the evaluation, the authors are informed, through the document submission platform, of the resolution of the Management and the Editorial Board of Herencia, they indicate to the authors the guidelines and correspondence for the publication of writings . A poor level of writing will be reason enough to reject the article.

4. Preparation of documents.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the following elements. Submissions that don't meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

5. Types of documents received

The article is an investigation, research process or its results, that a person submits for consideration to be published, the document must meet the requirements stipulated by the Journal to be considered as such.

The semblance, on the other hand, obeys the reference of a book or an investigation. Also, a semblance can be presented about a person. The fundamental requirement is that it be related to the axes of inheritance, heritage (tangible and intangible) and culture; biographical sketches are valuable contributions to Herencia, since they allow a process of disclosure between our authors and the reading and research public.

The offprint is due to a text, generally, related to a translation (even published at another time and in another Journal), with a text that has not required a research process as exhaustive as the article (because it has already been completed previously in another space in which it was disclosed), but which, due to the approach it presents, in relation to the thematic axes of Herencia, deserves a space within it.

The three forms of publication, despite their differences, must comply with the same publication format, and with all the established norms to be published in Herencia.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in the Journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by Herencia and will not be made available for any other purpose or to another person. The opinions expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors; these don't necessarily reflect the position of the Journal.