Herencia Journal ISSN Impreso: 1659-0066 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6356

Baking tradition in the context of Global Capitalism. La Rosita, as a benchmark for intimate identity in León, Guanajuato
PDF - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 31, No. 1 pp. 111-122. (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 31, No. 1 pp. 111-122. (Español (España))


global capitalism
traditional bakery
intimate identity
capitalismo global
panadería tradicional
identidad íntima

How to Cite

Becerra Manrique, J. E. (2018). Baking tradition in the context of Global Capitalism. La Rosita, as a benchmark for intimate identity in León, Guanajuato. Herencia Journal, 31(1), 111–122. Retrieved from


Framed in an economic dynamic tending to the global capitalism, it remains a traditional bakery that preserves certain particularities such as the process of elaboration and baking of the bread, where the manual work of the artisan baker and the use of firewood in a domed brick furnace - called "calabacero"- is favored. La Rosita continues feeding the families of León, Guanajuato, who identify this bread as the traditional one of this city. People go there every night to buy and share it at dinner with their family, making the act of eating an act of socialization that possibly preserves traits prior to the forms imposed by the prevailing hegemonic model in the locality. From the historical-anthropological dialogue and the ETNOAI methodology, we approach this social reality to account for it as a way of resignification of the consumption of traditional bread beyond definitions from a hegemonic economic policy that does not cover all of its categories of analysis, because every cultural practice must be contrasted with itself and with others and against what is imposed so their comprehension and assessment is not limited. Perhaps the answer to their permanence may be in the intimate identity of the bread consumers.
PDF - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 31, No. 1 pp. 111-122. (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2018 Vol 31, No. 1 pp. 111-122. (Español (España))


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