Herencia Journal ISSN Impreso: 1659-0066 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6356

Maintenance of vernacular buildings, construction system on land - adobe (La Tola Píntag case study)
PDF - HERENCIA 2019 Vol 32, No. 1 pp. 95-118. (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2019 Vol 32, No. 1 pp. 95-118. (Español (España))


architectural heritage
pathologies of construction
traditional construction systems
patrimonio arquitectónico
patologías de la construcción
sistemas constructivos tradicionales

How to Cite

Vallejo Choez, P. C., & Mena Mora, F. (2019). Maintenance of vernacular buildings, construction system on land - adobe (La Tola Píntag case study). Herencia Journal, 32(1), 95–118. Retrieved from


Vernacular architecture is part of the Ecuadorian heritage as it constitutes a sample of the culture of the communities settled in diverse geographical spaces, whose architectural ensembles have authenticity.  The research carried out in the community La Tola belonging to Píntag, rural parish of Quito, evidences a particular grouping of buildings that are the result of the application of traditional constructive techniques whose materials are stone and/or Cangahua in its foundations, Adobe Masonry and covered with terracotta tile. Erected more than 60 years ago, they have endured the inclement weather, forming a unique landscape that has not been interrupted by new reinforced concrete constructions. The analysis work has followed a methodological process that identifies the causes and problems that arise in the constructive elements of the real estate, proposes alternatives of preventive and corrective maintenance of easy application and moderate cost. The research was carried out in five buildings through a planimetric-photographic uprising in detail. Subsequently, samples were taken to evaluate the quality of the material (adobe) and through the architectural uplift the particular design of the buildings was evaluated.

Received: 04-24-2019

Approved: 05-31-2019

PDF - HERENCIA 2019 Vol 32, No. 1 pp. 95-118. (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2019 Vol 32, No. 1 pp. 95-118. (Español (España))


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