Herencia Journal ISSN Impreso: 1659-0066 ISSN electrónico: 2215-6356

The advertising of the Costa Rican industry and the Central American Common Market (1963-1970)
PDF - HERENCIA 2019 Vol 32, No. 2 pp. 123-144. (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2019 Vol 32, No. 2 pp. 123-144. (Español (España))


manufacturing industry
international economic relations
economic integration
relaciones económicas internacionales
integración económica

How to Cite

Jiménez Álvarez, C. J. (2019). The advertising of the Costa Rican industry and the Central American Common Market (1963-1970). Herencia Journal, 32(2), 123–144. Retrieved from


Received: 06-25-2019
Approved: 09-16-2019

The Costa Rican industrial development was inscribe after the second half of the 20th century in a new political and economic conjuncture set up at the end of the Costa Rican civil war in 1948. In this way, the Costa Rican industrial sector could be expand and enter a process of consolidation continues until 1970. At the same time, the advantages of advertising and advertisements to place products and brands within the national market are beginning to be explored within the written press. The present work rescues through the national press the extent to which the advertising practice of industrial companies was articulated in the context of the new Central American integration, for which advertisements were reviewed within the written press La Nación and La República between the years 1950-1970. The article sees the changes that occurred in the discourse and appeals within the advertisements by the Costa Rican industry and also how the changes in the advertising practice happened. In this way, it concludes that these changes in advertising practice, although they were related to the entrance to the MCCA, were also circumscribed within cultural processes suffered by the country at that time.

PDF - HERENCIA 2019 Vol 32, No. 2 pp. 123-144. (Español (España))
Word - HERENCIA 2019 Vol 32, No. 2 pp. 123-144. (Español (España))



Tico Irrigación Limitada. (07 de febrero de 1965). La Nación, p. 40.

Para Calidad y elegancia elija pantalones Del mar. (08 de febrero de 1965). La Nación, p. 7.

Con motivo de la inauguración. (08 de abril de 1965). La República, p. 9.

Mama selecciona y ellos lo notan. (02 de febrero de 1970). La República, p. 22.

La Fábrica de Cocinas Fastcook Ltda. (27 de junio de 1965). La República, p. 18.

Constructores, Agricultores, Granjeros. (02 de marzo de 1965). La Nación, p. 25.

Cercando su finca de agricultura. (04 de abril de 1965). La Nación, p. 42.

Ofrecemos siempre lo más elegante y lo más moderno. (02 de marzo de 1965). La Nación, p. 11.


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